Monday, June 7, 2010


When to play pool at amk ytr. Oh wow,i realized that i have to let go emotions and just concentrate to play better in pool. But i like to laugh so much. Just broke my personal record,pocket 5 balls continuously. Slowly skipping to the next step of pool. Curving the ball. Controlling the pathway of the ball. After that when to have dinner at popeye. Omg totally like kfc+ljs. I think they should just change the name to Kjs. Kentucky Join Silver. Ate the popcorn fish. Hmm not bad la. Only thing is the skin tasted like the prawn skin from ljs. Sian 1 - 1/2.

Feels like insomnia

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Ok! Woke up today cause i heard my home phone ringing at like 10am*wtf*? And i went out off bedroom to pick up the phone and i said "Hello hello baby you called i can't hear a thing" :x Cause the moment i picked up my phone the phone when ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ (dead). Then i went back to bed to sleep~as i was feeling damned tired laa..slept at like 2.25am ytr. then i went back lie down. after like 1 hour woke up,play dota. Fk today dota 10round lose 10 round. then after that i went to play basketball at 325 W/Ankle weight on. For like awhile. Soon i found my ankle hurting so i decided to remove the weights and proceeded playing without the weights on. P.S. Not showing off but i almost can make it for the dunk at 325 but my legs are getting stiffer and stiffer. Maybe the limit of my jumping abilities is at it max? Hais.
K lor now at home le. Goodnight Bye.